How to Overcome Perfectionism

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW

Are you afraid of failure? Do you struggle with not feeling good enough, no matter what you do? Are your expectations of yourself or others unrealistically high? Perfectionism is something many of us struggle with. Here are five proven strategies to help manage it.

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3 Simple Ways to Help you Recieve Better

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW

As they say, you can’t give from an empty cup. We can only give as well as we can receive, otherwise giving will leave us feeling resentful and depleted. Here are three small things you can do to help you receive better …

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6 Ways to Stop Your Brain from Overthinking

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW · Tips and Life Hacks

Here are 6 go-to strategies to overcome overthinking. Use them to loosen the grip that thoughts have and help get you back into the present moment.

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Signs You Might Be Afraid of Intimacy

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW · Love & Relationships

Do you fear intimacy? Here are some quick things to look out for to see whether or not you might be afraid of getting too close in a relationship.

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How to be Kind To Yourself on a Video Call

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW

It can be uncomfortable to see yourself on video. Here are some helpful strategies to help you get through the awkwardness of video calling with your therapist …

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6 Ways You Can Manage Stress Without Calling UberEats

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW · Tips and Life Hacks, Self-Care

Do you find yourself using food as a distraction from negative emotions? Use these six tips to help you get through those stressful moments without turning to food

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5 Ways to Help Tame Your Inner Critic

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW ·

When I become aware of a statement or judgment my inner critical voice is saying to me, I thank it for bringing itself to my attention to help remind me of the love and kindness I need to give myself more of.

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4 Strategies for Dealing with Burnout

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW · Tips and Life Hacks, Self-Care

I started noticing the symptoms when I caught myself getting angry out of nowhere and feeling really low in energy. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job; but let's be real— I'm burnt out.

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5 Tips for Healthy Safe Care

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW

We are often told to prioritize our self-care - but what exactly does this mean? Here are 5 tips for healthy self-care, which may be personalized to you!

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7 Signs You Might Have an Eating Disorder

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW · Tips and Life Hacks

Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses that can reveal themselves in not-so-obvious ways. I have created a list of some of the things to look out for to see if you might be struggling with an eating disorder.

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Before you Speak,THINK!

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW

Ask yourself is what I’m about to say true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind?

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How to Let Go

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW

When we allow ourselves to surrender to the present moment as opposed to living in the past or future by way of our thoughts, then we can let go.

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How to Cope with Being Single When You Don't Want To Be

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW · Love and Relationships

That longing for someone to love and feel loved by someone was an all-too-familiar feeling for many of us. Here’s how to deal with being single, especially when we don’t want to be.

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How to Make New Friends

Melissa DiFonzo, MSW RSW · Family and Friends

Unlike our family, we can choose our friends. So in a way friends are our "chosen family". It's important that we choose wisely and surround ourselves with supporting and loving people. Are you hoping to make new friends but don't know where to find them? Look no further!

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